Home Maintenance Checklist for Summer


Every homeowner knows that sunny summer days are perfect for upgrading the house. The winter has passed, and you get to enjoy your yard and your home, but there are maintenance tasks that need to be performed. Whether it’s just home cleaning services or doing some major fixing up, here is a checklist for every homeowner on home maintenance tasks that should be done this summer.

Clean or Replace Grills and Filters

Now that the cold days are gone, it’s time to give your furnace and other appliances a checkup. You can replace the furnace filters, clean the air grills, and make sure to clear the kitchen hood vents. All other similar appliances are due for maintenance this summer, so give them a fresh new look. You can also refresh your AC a bit with a small maintenance session to make sure all is working properly during the hot summer days.

Professionals like Easy Roofing can help with the maintenance tasks if you need to be more comfortable doing them yourself. Regular maintenance improves the efficiency of your appliances and extends their lifespan and ensures better air quality in your home.

Inspect the Roof

As all winters see plenty of snow and rain, your roof might’ve suffered some damage. As soon as the summer starts, you should inspect your roof to see if all is in order. This is especially important if the roof is older than 10 years.


Also, check the foundation, too, and fix any cracks in it, as well as the roof. This will make sure that your home is perfectly ready for the next winter and that no unwanted heat will enter your home during the summer.

Upgrade Your Insulation

If you already have insulation in your home, maybe it’s time to upgrade it, especially if you installed it a few years ago. And if you don’t have insulation, this season is perfect for its installation. You can research all the types of insulation and valuable tips at Insulation4less and see what professionals have to say about this task. Additionally, add insulation on your roof too. This will make sure that the roof is not heating too much during the summer, and it will prevent heat from entering your home. This only leads to much more comfortable temperatures in every room during the hot summer days.

Give Your Doors and Adjustment

Low temperatures and humidity can influence the functionality of your doors and their handles. So, do a thorough inspection of all doors inside and outside your home to see if there is anything to adjust. Also, don’t forget to tighten the loose handles. Additionally, give them a check from time to time during the summer, too, as moisture, high temperatures, and humidity cause doors and handles to expand and stick. This might call for continuous adjustments or you can replace the doors if they are too old.

Inspect Showers and Tubs

Your bathroom needs frequent inspections, and the summer is the perfect time for it. You should check all the showerheads and faucets for any leaks or damage during the low temperatures during the winter. Also, it is a good idea to replace any missing or broken caulks, which will prevent water from seeping into your walls. If you have windows or vents in the bathroom, it is also a good idea to give them a check and a quick cleaning, too!

Check the Landscape

Last but not least, you should go around your front and back yard and see if there are things to fix. Maybe there are trees and shrubbery that are rubbing or touching your roof. If there are, give them a trim in order to keep the roof safe. Also, a bit of lawn maintenance and planting a few new plants will do wonders for your landscape, and your home will look as good as new.


What’s more, it will be ready for you to enjoy it during the summer.  As you can see, there is always something to upgrade in your home. These tasks might seem overwhelming, but if you organize them well and talk to the professionals, there is nothing you cannot fix and upgrade this summer.

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