Sharpie tattoos: the new trend?

If you have accidentally gotten Sharpie on your skin, don’t worry! There are a few simple ways to remove it.

How to get sharpie off of skin

-One way is to use rubbing alcohol. Simply dab a cotton ball in some rubbing alcohol and then rub it on the Sharpie stain. The alcohol will help to break down the Sharpie ink and make it easier to remove.

-Another way to remove Sharpie from skin is to use a magic eraser. Magic erasers are great at removing all sorts of stains, and they can work on Sharpie stains too. Just rub the magic eraser over the stain and watch it disappear!

-If you don’t have any rubbing alcohol or magic erasers handy, you can also use a regular pencil eraser. Just rub the pencil eraser over the Sharpie until it is gone.

-Whatever method you choose, be sure to always test it on a small area first and make sure it doesn’t discolor your skin or leave any residue behind. And always wash your hands thoroughly afterwards so that you don’t accidentally get Sharpie on any other parts of your body. With these tips, you should be able to remove Sharpie stains quickly and easily!

What to use if sharpie is not removed by soap and water

-There are a number of ways to remove Sharpie from skin, but sometimes soap and water just isn’t enough. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry! There are still a few things you can try.

-One option is to use a nail polish remover that contains acetone. Simply dip a cotton ball in the acetone and rub it over the Sharpie stain until it starts to disappear.

-Another option is to use hand sanitizer. Rubbing some hand sanitizer into the Sharpie stain can help to break down the ink and make it easier to remove.

-If you have any WD-40 handy, you can also try spraying some on the Sharpie stain and then wiping it away. The WD-40 will help to break down the ink so that you can easily remove it.

-Whatever method you choose, be sure to test it on a small area first to make sure it doesn’t irritate your skin. And always wash your hands thoroughly afterwards so that you don’t accidentally get Sharpie on any other parts of your body. With these tips, you should be able to remove Sharpie stains quickly and easily!

Tips for preventing sharpie stains

-The best way to prevent Sharpie stains is to be careful in the first place! Make sure you keep the Sharpie away from your skin and clothes and only use it on surfaces that can easily be cleaned.

-If you do accidentally get Sharpie on your skin, act quickly! The sooner you start trying to remove the stain, the easier it will be.

-Be sure to always test any cleaning method on a small area first before using it on the stain. This will help to avoid any damage to your skin or clothes.

-And finally, always wash your hands thoroughly after you’ve been using Sharpie so that you don’t accidentally transfer the ink to other parts of your body. With these tips, you can prevent Sharpie stains and easily remove them if they do happen!

Whether you’re trying to remove a Sharpie stain from your skin or prevent one in the first place, these tips should help you out! Be careful with the Sharpie and always test any cleaning method on a small area first.

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