Want to Cook in a Balanced Space? Here’s How to Create Your Own Feng Shui Kitchen

brown wooden rack

We never realise how important the spaces around us are until we start feeling out of the weather for no apparent reason. Our homes have the power to make us overwhelmed by clutter and happy just by looking at a tidy room, which is why we should determine how our homes affect us, not the other way around.

But how do you get started with such a complex project? Creating a balanced environment is not easy, especially if you’re not an interior designer, so getting lost in thousands of online articles and Instagram pages is accessible.

So, we recommend adopting the art of Fend Shui, one of the most renowned principles in Taoism. The idea is that your place in the world is inspired by the natural elements of fire, earth, water, metal, and wood, all of which establish peace and stability in your life. And what’s the place where you spend the most time indoors? The kitchen.

The Kitchen Entrance is the Most Important

Any room entrance holds the energy that can be brought inside, so according to feng shui principles, creating the perfect kitchen entrance is essential. The front door must not have any clutter or debris, so clean it properly for a good start.

Besides cleaning it, you may want to decorate the entrance and make it more inviting by looking for new kitchen doors if the current one has become too old for repairs. Add a door mat that balances the kitchen’s look, and ensure nothing obstructs the entrance, as this blocks the good energy coming inside. It’s also important for the area to be well-lit.

On the other hand, if you can change the entrance, you could try an arched entryway if you like open kitchens. Contrarily, a sliding door is the perfect solution for blocking cooking odours from reaching the house.

Feng Shui Elements Must be Present

For equilibrium from Fend Shui to make an impact in the kitchen, you must bring in all the elements from the ideology and balance their looks. Some say that it’s elementary how you place them in the room because, for example, fire and water can’t be together, so the sink should be a little far from the stove. Still, this might not be possible in all kitchens if we consider the space available, so we’re left with introducing them.


So, a water source could be the sink, while the stove gives us fire, so you can quickly check these features. When it comes to wood, you can integrate it through cabinetry or a gorgeous wood table. Metal is present in most appliances, but you can also find it in hardware, while a piece of earth is present in natural materials like marble or granite, which are regular options for cabinets.

Yin and Yang as the Source of Balance

Everyone knows about the stability of Yin and Yang, but you can also introduce them to your kitchen. Yin is all darkness, while Yang represents light, so each has a unique purpose. Usually, the Yang energy can keep you motivated and have a clear mind, so it’s best for the kitchen to be well-lit, especially in work areas where you prepare the food or clean the dishes.

In other words, you could try light layering, as it helps separate the areas specifically used for certain activities. Hence, you’ll forget about multitasking, as each kitchen spot will have its own purpose. Usually, there are three layers of lighting. Ambient lighting makes the room overall well-lit, and it involves placing pendants and ceiling fixtures. Task lighting is the most important, and it includes cabinet and table lamps that enhance your work. Finally, accent lighting has a more aesthetic purpose, and you can put wall sconces or LED tape around floral arrangements or decorative vases.

Clutter Should be Out of the Way

Of course, since Feng Shui is all about finding harmony and balance, a cluttered kitchen isn’t really the best way to have the home you desire. While we know that maintaining a clutter-free kitchen is challenging at times, especially when living with others, be it family or roommates, it’s best to try keeping it neat most of the time.

Therefore, you could create a weekly or monthly schedule that involves getting rid of stuff you don’t use anymore, or that is broken. Depending on its condition, you can donate or sell it, but it’s best not to keep appliances or even cutlery around if they’re not helpful. At the same time, a daily cleaning routine of at least ten minutes will help keep the clutter in check so you can also focus on other activities.

Artwork is Also Important

Feng Shui is not limited to cleanliness, which is why decoration and art, even in the kitchen, are essential. Many beliefs surrounding this ancient art show how arranging things around the house can bring health and good luck to your family.


While believing the concept behind is a subjective choice, we can’t deny the fact that good organising among your art pieces will make the difference between a regular home and a balanced one. For example, many DIY wall décor ideas are made of wood and other Feng Shui elements that can fit your kitchen aesthetic. A mirror, a cutting board and a mural can all add something unique to the kitchen. Just be mindful of how you place them and ensure they don’t drain your energy.

What Do You Think About a Feng Shui Kitchen?

A Feng Shui home is a great goal to achieve, as the decor and cleanliness can help you live a peaceful life. Since most of us spend a lot of time in the kitchen, the energy flowing to and from that room can energise or drain you, which is why focusing on this area per the ancient concept can update your life. So, improve the entrance, approach Yin and Yang and don’t be afraid of a bit of decoration.

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