Apparent and Hidden Meanings of House Number Signs Use


Imagine a residential area or neighborhood where every building is the same and cannot be identified by specific exterior features. Of course, it seems that with accessibility to modern GPS solutions, this is not a big deal anymore. However, GPS data are not always relevant, especially in very small residential areas, and nobody wants to go from door to door to ask for an address. For that reason, the use of house number signs should be considered even in today’s highly advanced era of digital navigation. Find out the most obvious factors that make these exterior elements still relevant and buy on Bsign Store.

Adhering to Local Regulations

Initially, house numbers appeared to substitute illustrated signs that were used for the navigation of the post office workers. However, back then, local authorities were busy with other stuff and did not pay much attention to the appearance of house numbers. Neither post office did. All parties were interested in simple and effective navigation rather than in the residential area coherence and consistency.

The start of widespread use of door numbers is believed to begin in the 17th-18th centuries. In the 19th century, local authorities started understanding that the efficiency of these signs would increase because they would not be so confusing. Actually, the post office is the organisation that put pressure on authorities to make this decision in the UK, passing the Metropolitan Management Act in 1855.

As a result, a set of standards every resident has to adhere to was created. This is why today local authorities determine how house door numbers should look and how they should be placed. Since these rules are determined by local authorities, every house owner should get familiar with their local standards. In most cases, these requirements are concerned about such features as:

  • Size;
  • Shape;
  • Placement;
  • Color contrast;
  • Font;
  • Information included;
  • Extra accessories.

Following the Accessibility Norms

The 21st century is different from the 19th. Today, postmen are not the only people who might need to locate your private dwelling. Ensuring proper navigation in a residential area, and house door signs also help other services to identify the proper address, including emergency responders, such as police, ambulance, and firefighters.


More than that, you might want to make your house accessible to regular users. In such cases, it is recommended to use door signs compliant with ADA requirements, even though the ADA does not impose any obligatory norms for exterior signs, especially in private areas. Nonetheless, equipping your house sign is a great gesture of kindness and understanding toward your potential visitors with disabilities.

Enhancing House Exterior

Obviously, if a house number sign corresponds to all local regulations, its appearance does not matter. However, we doubt that you are so negligent toward your house’s exterior design. Every trifle matters, and the house number sign is not an exception. Address plaques can be made in different styles, including:

  • Modern;
  • Rustic;
  • Wave;
  • Simple;
  • Calm.


These designs are suitable for different exterior styles, and if you want to achieve complete consistency in your house design, you should never neglect the visual impact address plaque might facilitate for the overall appearance of your dwelling.

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